Wordle today- Hint and answer #881 for Friday, November 17-

There’s a hint for today’s Wordle waiting just below, giving you just enough of a push towards the answer to be helpful without completely giving the game away. Or if you’d like to have the November 17 (881) Wordle answer on a plate, you’re in luck because you’re only a click away from today’s solution.

A strong second guess really saved my game today, pulling my scattered yellows into focus and giving me the direction I needed. I didn’t find the Wordle answer straight away, but it was enough to ensure a win in four without any great amount of brow-furrowing or hair-pulling.

Today’s Wordle hint

Wordle today: A hint for Friday, November 17

The answer today is a word meaning to be a bit late, a bit slow, unhurried. A reply sent days after the origi…

Wordle hint and answer today- Let’s solve #585, January 25-

I can offer you all the Wordle help you need, from tips and clues for today’s puzzle to the January 25 (585) answer delivered with the click of a mouse. Still not sure what Wordle’s about? Then make sure you read through our guide, or feel free to browse our extensive archive of past Wordle answers to see what you’ve been missing.

Oh that was frustrating. I found two incredibly awkward greens on my first guess, and they ended up throwing my whole thought process out of balance rather than helping me find the answer. I made a game’s worth of feeble attempts to fit letters around them, but it didn’t work out for me. Still, tomorrow’s another Wordle day.

Wordle hint

A Wordle hint for Wednesday, January 25

This word’s a tall plant grown in vast quant…